Hello there, and thanks for tuning into my video. The best mortgage company in Rancho Cucamonga. So you’re on the web and you’re searching for the best mortgage company, best lender, best loan officer etc. As a consumer, it’s hard to know exactly how to find the right fit. So I’m going to give you some tips today on what you can do to make sure that you’re with the best mortgage company in Rancho Cucamonga.
What to look for when searching for the Best Mortgage Company in Rancho Cucamonga
Let me introduce myself. My name is Teresa Tims. I’m president of TDR Mortgage Company. You can find me on the web at thesocalloanpro.com. I’ve been serving the southern California market since 1998. And when you’re looking for the right company, I think it’s more of an individual thing. You want a company that’s reputable, that you can validate on the internet, that they’re legitimate, they do lend money, but more importantly, it’s the actual person that you’re working with. (Read more or click on the Video below to view)
What Qualifies TDR Mortgage to be the Best Mortgage Company in Rancho Cucamonga?
I’m going to have access to all of your personal private information, and I’m going to be handholding you through the process. And when you’re going through a process such as purchasing one of the biggest investments that you’re going to make as a consumer, you want to do so knowing that you have got someone that has a background, licensing in place. I’m not only a licensed mortgage broker, but I’m a licensed real estate broker.
I’ve been doing home loans since 1998. I’ve done over 1924 transactions. That’s a lot of experience. That’s a lot of things to go wrong. So if something does go wrong, you better believe that I’m going to know how to step up and fix it right away. But more importantly, I’m not going to let things go wrong because I know what to look out for. So it’s really important how a loan is set up and structured and the expectation that’s set. Is that person looking out for your best interest? Not what’s best for me, not what’s easiest for me, what’s best and easiest for you.
I have recently moved from Rancho Cucamonga, but I lived there for the better part of 18 years and there’s such a warm sense of community and your backdrop are the beautiful mountains. So you do have a lot of local choices, but you have all the internet choices too. So I get that it’s a daunting task to figure all this out. I specialize in mortgages of all types. So whether it’s purchasing, refinancing, FHA, VA, hard loans if you’re self employed, I do all of these types of loans, but what I specialize in are purchases.
What are my specialties in the world of Home Loans?
I’m what’s called a purchase originator. The thing that sets me apart in being able to be the best at what I do is, I know and understand guidelines. Nobody has to tell me if a loan is a loan and often I have a file that makes it all the way to underwriting and believe it or not, they don’t see things exactly the way that I see them. Maybe they don’t quite see the aggressive underwriting and aggressive income calculation that I used to get you to qualify for that $500,000 house when another lender can only get you to qualified up to $450,000!

Best Mortgage Broker Rancho Cucamonga
In a case like that, I don’t tell the underwrite what to do, right? There’s a right and a wrong way to approach people, you get more flies with honey. But that does not sound, nobody wants to attract flies. But being sweet and being kind and presenting a good case is a way to get your way in a lot of instances.
I’ve been doing complex and hard income for many, many years and all kinds of other problems too. So being able to bring your case in front of the underwriter and win and have success doing that over and over, that’s something that I do. If you’re with Bank of America or I don’t know, these online yahoos, they’re not going to have the wherewithal to be able to figure complex creative solutions like I can. Guaranteed!
The Best Mortgage Interest Rates in Rancho Cucamonga
My company competes with the biggest internet lenders and the reason is, it’s because I’m a Mortgage Broker. You see, I have access to wholesale rates. So we kind of go around the back door, so to speak. I don’t work for a big company. They don’t have to pay my health care, give me a big fancy office, don’t have to cover workers comp for me. So when I go get your loan, I’m going through a discounted “wholesale channel”.
Wholesale lenders have the best rates, we do. It’s kind of like, you know when you go and you’re shopping for car insurance? Well, a lot of times you don’t go straight to one company. You go to insurance broker who shops your insurance around and finds you the best rates. So think of it kind of like that. That’s an easy way to put it. An example recently was a bank was offering our client 5.125% and we could do the loan at 4.625% and give back a small credit.
Did you know lots of “savvy investors” and “upper end” buyers work with Mortgage Brokers purely because of our low rates? That’s right! The average consumer is not aware of this little secret.
Closing Home Loans in 2 weeks in Rancho Cucamonga
We are closing loans so fast these days. We can close a loan in 2 weeks, that’s pretty standard. Oftentimes, I feel like we’re going a little bit too fast through the transaction.
Moving, it’s a big thing. People have to pack, people have to move, you have to hire people. So it’s a lot. So if you need to, we can close quickly.
Oftentimes, Closing Quickly helps your offer get accepted. When you’re competing against a bunch of people and they’re doing 30 and 45 days, and you’ve got a house that’s been sitting vacant, and you go write an offer, and it’s a great house too. It’s very nicely rehabbed and you write a 2 week escrow and you write a really clean offer, a lot of times that’s make it or break it and it could get your offer accepted.
TDR Mortgage Loans ALWAYS Close and here’s why.
My goal is to get you to that finish line. So whatever it takes to get you to that finish line, we’re going to do. When we are intaking you and gathering all of your information at the very get go, the very get go, we are validating your cash or credit income. So you’re out there looking at houses on nights and weekends, getting your hopes up for this dream home, and we are not going to get to the end and have you not qualify. That does not happen. That does not happen, will not happen.
And the reason is because me and my team go to a lot of work upfront to make sure that your file is secure. If there is going to be a problem, it’s not going to be with you. It’s going to be with the property.
TDR Mortgage is Experienced with Complex Income Scenarios
So we talked a little bit about income earlier, but did you know that I specialize in is complex income. Overtime, Bonuses, Union Workers, Multiple Jobs, Job Gaps, Seasonal Employees, and Self-Employed income. Self-employed people have corporations, sometimes they have multiple corporations, they have LLCs, they own multiple properties. My team and I are able to evaluate that income expertly and get you an answer on the best financing available in Rancho Cucamonga or the Inland Empire.
TDR Mortgage Company is Highly Rated across all review channels
You have definitely come to the right place! You can validate Teresa Tims or TDR Mortgage, Just type in my name, Teresa Tims, on the internet. See how I compare to these other lenders that you’re talking to and go with your gut. There’s only so much research you can do. If you have a connection with somebody and you have a level of trust.
Buying a Home in Rancho Cucamonga is easy when you work with TDR Mortgage
The goal is to connect with someone, validate their credentials, make sure they’re solid. Make sure that they’re going to be able to put together a great lending package for you. Most importantly close your loan. You don’t need to worry about anything when you’re with TDR Mortgage. We got you. So take one more step and pick up the phone Text or and call me at 909-821-3093 or text me, I’d love to hear from you.